All the religions have taught that the origin of the whole of creation is sound – the music of the spheres

The following quotes are from Volume II of The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. The comments are mine.

Music is not only life’s greatest object, but it is life itself. Hafiz, The great and wonderful Sufi poet of Persia, says, ‘Many say that life entered the human body by the help of music, but the truth is that life itself is music’And it is told that Hafiz said, ‘People say that the soul, on hearing that song, entered the body; but in reality the soul itself was song’!

Drunkards are running amok tonight

Friends are passing the Cup of Light

The Beauty and Beast within us all

Are merged as one in the dancing hall

Twirling and spinning out of time

Hearts intoning a wordless rhyme

Beggars and princes sharing Wine

The Beloved’s essence from the Vine

Everyone’s laying their burden down

The passing Cup helps us drown

Dancing and dancing to Heart’s delight

Turning, turning makes us bright

The Flute singing a one-note song

The beat of the drum deep and strong

The ancient rhythm enticing the soul

Blending all into the Whole

Ecstatic cries fanning the fire

The Guest arrives on a funeral pyre

Sapphire eyes, an emerald gown

Grace is blessing all in town

The Friends are losing all control

Annihilation is taking Its toll

Listen, O! listen beyond these words

This endless Breath can be heard

It’s calling to all alive and dead

Leave the comfort of the sleeping-bed

Hearken, Hearken one and all

The ground of HU is this hall

Every activity of vibrations produces a certain sound, according to its Dome of resonance, and according to the capacity of the mould in which the form is shaped. This explains the idea behind the ancient Hindu word Nada Brahma, which means sound, the Creator God.

Cleansing Time

Three a.m. — a downpour

What is this that drenches

  leaving no drop in the hair

  nor puddle on the floor?

A mystery

  that falls from head to toe

  spiralling an ecstatic return

  lifts us from this sleeping hall

On golden arrows whisked

  across the mighty moat of heaven

  where within the deep ravine

  a live translucent mist

All who enter


  the Name.

Music according to the ancient people was not a mechanical science or art; music was the first language.


Vowels play a great part in the name and its influence. E and I denote Jemal, the feminine quality of grace, wisdom, beauty and receptivity, O and U denote Jelal, the masculine quality of power and expression. A denotes Kemal, which is significant of the perfection in which both these qualities are centered. The above named vowels in the composition of the name have an effect according to their place in the name, whether in the beginning, center or end.


The deeper one sees into life, the wider life opens itself to one, and every moment of one’s life then becomes full of wonders and full of splendor.

Ah Love

 Love is

IS-ing me

I am loving

 the taste and wonder

of the loving

In the loving

 all tastes

are tastes of loving


 spins and swoons

as love rushes

 into and out of

Itself.  –  JH