The most open of secrets is: everything is vibration

Of course, everything refers to the manifest, the being not the unmanifest or nonbeing.

With that said… Yesterday, January 2, 2021, I went to my bookshelf and pulled out Volume II of The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan. I did this because over the last 6 months more and more thoughts about planes of existence, dimensions, light & sound of reality and more have been bubbling up.

I read this book about forty years ago. It’s been on the shelf ever since. It has the musty smell of an old book. It belongs in a library of years-gone-by. One with dark rooms, wood paneling, hushed voices and yellow incandescent bulbs like the old Theosophical Society Book Shop I used to patronize in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, Washington.

I spent half the day reading the book, enjoying the multitude of memories and knowledge that were called forward. As you might expect, I found much that is relevant to my present thread of experience.

I want to share some of the wisdom in this volume, calling some attention to how it intertwines with my current thread, but has it’s origins forty years in the past – and more.

In 1969, I had my first spiritual experience and it was a doozy. I had no clue there was anything more to life than what was in front of my eyes – I was nineteen.

To make a long introduction short and to make the connection to this book suffice it say that I became quite involved with Eckankar, a spiritual path that touted “soul travel” as a way into the mysteries of reality. Central to soul travel is the light and sound of God or reality, the cosmic vibration underlying and generating all of manifest reality – all dimensions, phenomena, objects, experience, etc.

It was my interest in the cosmic vibration which led me to Khan’s Volume II

I really have no clue what will come of this nor the form it will take. I’m thinking a series of blog posts over the next few weeks which will then be shared on Facebook. We’ll see what happens.

The Life Absolute from which has sprung all that is felt, seen, and perceived, and into which all again merges in time, is a silent, motionless and eternal life which among the Sufis is called Zat. Every motion that springs forth from his silent life is a vibration and a creator of vibrations…

Creation begins with the activity of consciousness, which may be called vibration, and every vibration starting from its original source is the same , differing only in its tone and rhythm caused by greater or lesser degree of force behind it. – The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Volume II, Part One: The Mysticism of Sound