The charm of life is your good fortune

It is life which charms, which is attractive.
What we are always seeking for is life.


As a poet has said, ‘The heart of man, if once expanded, becomes larger than all the heavens’. The deep thinkers of all ages have therefore held that the only principle of awakening to life is the principle of emptying the self. In other words, making oneself a clearer and more complete accommodation in order to accommodate all experiences more clearly and more fully. The tragedy of life, all its sorrows and pains, belong mostly to the surface of the world. If one were fully awake to life, if one could respond to life, if one could perceive life, one would not need to look for wonders, one would not need to communicate with spirits; for every atom in this world is a wonder when one sees with open eyes.

Good Fortune

Runs in my veins

Every heartbeat a blessing

What wonder

This journey of love and tears

In rapture and lust

I have thrown my arms

Around so much life

Relished and savored the bitter and sweet

Now, my embraces

Are much more delicate

My astonishment – soft and exquisite

Dear One

If you travel further

Than the tip of your nose

You have gone too far

To kiss what is

Truly Precious

What the world is seeking, what human souls yearn for, is that life, whether it comes through music, color, lines, or words. What everyone desires is life. It is life which is the real source of healing. What is really needed is the life which comes from the expanded consciousness, from the realization of the divine Light which is the secret of all true art, and which is the soul of all mysticism.

Quotes are from Volume II of The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan.

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