It’s been quite a while since i was memed, but today Resonant Engima tagged me.

Here is the meme guide:

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

Since I am still reading – Your Soul’s Compass – I grabbed it.

5th Sentence:

It’s a statement of faith.

Next 3 sentences:

When you say, ‘What’s the most important prayer in Judaism?’ it’s Ana Adonai hoshiya na -‘Please God help us.’ It’s like Kyrie Eleison – ‘Lord have mercy.’ Reb Zalman’s explanation struck a very personal chord for me (Joan Borysenko).

Compare that to this (the other book close at hand – ProBlogger):

5th sentence:

One of my favorite monetization strategies is that anything that alows you to charge a subscription rather than a one-time payment.

Next 3 sentences:

Make a sale but get paid over and over. It’s the gym membership model. Some blogs do this with private forums, others with online training courses.

In reading A. Decker’s profile, we see the list of favorite movies is: King Kong(both), O Brother Where Art Thou?, Brick, Crouching Tiger…(Ang Lee-Chinese-not dubbed English).

May we suggest – Vitus, Baghdad Cafe, and Being There?

Who to Tag????

  1. Dean Guadagni
  2. Daren Rowse
  3. Chris Garett
  4. Guy Kawasaki
  5. Candelaria Silva

And now back to working on my Tuesday presentation for Experience Unlimited8 Simple Tools to Market YOU.