
Pythagoras’ discovery of the arithmetical basis of the musical intervals was not just the beginning of musical theory; it was the beginning of science. For the first time, man discovered that universal truths could be explained through systematic investigation and the use of symbols such as mathematics. Once that window was opened, the light spread across the whole breadth of human curiosity — not least in the field of cosmogony [and ultimately in quantum mechanics gravity]. The genius of Pythagoras lay in the comprehensive way he joined the inner man and the cosmos. –
The Music of the Spheres: Music, Science & the Natural Order of the Universe by Jamie James

A stone is frozen music
Everything is sentient

The argument took the shape of “Do you ask what it’s made of – earth, fire, water, etc.?” or do you ask, “What is its ‘pattern’?” Pythagoreans stood for inquiring into pattern rather than inquiring into substance. – Gregory Bateson

Image by Kjngrafix