primal mind space swan

It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. – William of Occam

To the primal mind truth is not inclusive but essential. In folk literature the “truth” is made up of what lies at the bottom of various events of a perpetual now, while to the Western mind the “truth” is everything that makes up a chronological succession of events.

It is this temporal revelation which lies at the farthest alcome of the Indian visionary’s mind; it is this immediacy which proclaims the preciousness of the instant, the ever-changing, ever modulating Indian moment that is a perpetual Now.

The primal mind knows space experientially. This affective relationship with space of the primal person, however, does not limit his experience to pragmatic spatial actions, for he sees space as the sacred theatre of his life and the ritual umbilical cord that forever connects him to his divine parent, the Earth. – Primal Mind, by Jamake Highwater
