three brain tri-brain

This photo reminds me that human beings are three-centered beings. Our three centers are: head, heart and belly. Each center is an organ of perception, intelligence and action.

Many humans live lives dominated by one center. It is the rare individual that has integrated all three into a single functioning center.

The movie, The Baron Von Münchhausen is a great representation of a split we see a lot in wetern culture. The baron’s head is separated from his body. The body continually tries to reclaim the head, but the head does not want to be tied to the body.

Many Inner Work schools and disciplines address the subject of the three centers and offer various methods of working toward reintegration. Gurdjieff’s work has a strong focus on the three centers. My friend Andrea Isaacs works with the three centers through her EnneaMotion training which uses the understanding of the Enneagram to address the situation.

When the three centers are integrated into a synergistic whole, a fourth center, called the Moh (moon center) arises. The Moh in some sense exists on the cusp of the physical dimension. The arising of the Moh brings more intuitive, psychic, and spiritual (boundless, universal) information, intelligence and functioning into the re-membered human being.

The “unseen” face in this photo would represent the MOH.