Transparency is the Rage

We need more transparency in government, financial institutions, blogs, underwear and everything else – depending on who you talk to and the nature of their obsession.

geneen_roth_eating_disordersGeneen Roth suffered from eating disorders for much of her life. She has helped tens of thousands of others suffering with emotional eating disorders, food bingeing, diet swinging, depression – and a whole lot of other systemic symptoms. Geneen has written many books, led many workshops, been on Oprah and more. She is intelligent, loving and compassionate. But those are not her greatest assets in my opinion.

Getting Naked with the Truth

Geneen knows how to get naked with others in a way that serves the soul’s longing for freedom. Being naked, or transparent, is not an easy thing. There is a depth of courage, integrity and commitmment needed to be naked in a real way – a way that serves others as well as one’s self.

Reading this article today brought tears to my eyes as I once again witnessed my friend, Geneen, getting naked for the truth.

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