Think about it – conceptualizing the non-conceptual. Not only is that wild, but also mysterious and incredibly fantastical!

If all of reality is based on space, nothingness, emptiness, or the void – it seems unfathomable to be able to wrap the mind around the reality of the material world. And yet, we constantly hear this assertion – being and non-being co-emergent.

Conceptualizing is nothing but putting a boundary around part of reality and imagining that boundary actually creates something. – A.H. Almaas

ConceptualizingThe mind loves concepts. Mind feels secure in the world of concepts – conceptualizing makes us feel like we know. Conceptualizing (mental constructs) supports our tenuous grip on feeling secure and in control. Or looking at it from the other side of the coin conceptualizing helps to repress the ego’s underlying anxiety, fear and terror.

Our normal sense of self that develops is built on concepts and conceptualizing that begin as representations or object images in the mind.

Take a walk on the wild side – no thought, no thinker. Non-Conceptual perception – the end of conceptualizing, the mind at rest.