The Flame of the Soul

flame search soul heartIt is better to remain ignorant than to pretend knowledge. If you know that you are ignorant and don’t pretend otherwise, there is a question that stays alive and continues to burn in you, a deep hunger for the truth. A. H. AlmaasDiamond Heart Book III: Being and the Meaning of Life

Every once in a while, I like to pick a random image and see what it inspires me to write. I found this image of a flame at (where else)

Human beings are curious, we have an innate curiosity and our behavior is certainly curious to observe. Many believe that curiosity is an aspect of the mind – to some degree it is, but it’s deeper nature resides in the heart and deeper still in the soul.

One of the mysterious elements of THE MYSTERY is knowing. Awareness and consciousness beget knowing – and it appears that deep in the nature of consciousness is a desire, or at least a natural dynamism to know. And, fundamentally, what is there to know but the manifested side of reality.

So, we can say that God, True Nature, The Mystery seeks to know itself or it is constantly revealing itself to itself via awareness and consciousness.

All of this gets reflected in us human beings as desire, longing, passion, curiosity, etc. to know. Of course there are many who have issues and resistance to knowing and curiosity due to childhood conditioning.

The Flame of the Search is fuel for the soul for the journey home. This fuel is not external, it is of the soul – it’s very dynamic nature. The journey home can be very difficult, with much pain and suffering. A bright flame is needed to meet and move through the obstacles and inertia of ego structure and misplaced identity.

The Mystery has another dynamic quality that serves the soul – magnetism. The soul longs to know, the Mystery draws it home and True Nature reveals, reveals, reveals.

And this is what the image inspires today.


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