benjamin-buttoned-upLonging for Youth & Experience

I rarely wish I could live my life over or go back in time. When these moments do occur, it mostly seems to involve a sense of – having my lived experience available earlier in life.

We seem to want our youth back for various reasons – health, well-being, beauty, innocence, wonderment, etc. There is another group of us that want to go back in time to play the stock market, buy real estate, have better and more sex, and a host of other things.

In general, the egoic mind will want to return to the past with the mind’s attained knowledge to continue our quest for pleasure and satisfaction. Wishing for a chance to bring our lived experience into the past is another manifestation of the ego’s love affair with control – trying to control and direct our experience.

Some may argue, that being able to relive our lives with our adult knowledge and lived experience is about living a better more authentic life – wanting to live a life with less pain and suffering for us and the people we crossed paths with. But really, it’s all about us and our fantasy of grandiosity.

If we really believed our current knowledge and experience would make a huge difference in our past and the course of our lives – we would be living that knowledge and lived wisdom right now, in present time. We’d be so busy freeing ourselves from the chains of the past in the fullness of the present, that our mind would not be wishing for anything other than right now.

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