
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. – Angela Monet

Dance of Shiva is what scientists call the dance of particles as they arise and disappear out of “quantum” foam.

Sacred Dance and the Mystery of Presence
presence in the body–
–the emergence of sensation,
appreciation of life itself,
awareness of form and weight
and place in space
presence in the feelings–
—the emergence of a longing for Being,
conscience, compassion,
relation to rather than isolation from others;
and all of Great Nature
presence in the mind–
–the emergence of the nature of awareness,
seeing, insight, awareness of self,
awareness of pattern
and therefore meaning
Self-remembering and the deep mystery of Being

Movements, an integral part of George Gurdjieff teachings, are designed to harmonize our thinking, feeling and moving; refine and develop our attention; and deepen our presence.