Dialect Inquire Reveals Everything is LivING

Last week, I was engaging in some open-ended dialectic inquiry with a friend when she looked at a table and said tabling? We were discussing how everything in existence has dynamism and she through the ING on table to express that dynamism of the table.

Open ended dialectic inquiryExactly! I said. The field of consciousness is actually tabling in that location. What we think of as a static, concrete object is actually as alive and dynamic as everything else when you view it from the unified field of consciousness in which all forms arise. Forms include thoughts, ideas, sensations, feelings, visions, objects and so on until you cover everything.

As our dialectic inquiry continued, our attention turned to various aspects of the ego and we threw the ING on ego to reflect the dynamism of the ego manifestation. We both noticed that using the word egoing to refer to ego manifestation somehow took the edge off the judgments and adversarial relationship that often arises when discussing ego activity and ego identity.

This naturally led our dialectic inquiry into a discussion of the self  and we threw the ING on that as well. Selfing is a very interesting way of manifesting consciousness in a particular location. Don’t you think?

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